Will You Let Her Come Out and Play?
She craves and hungers to see the light of day
To lift her skirt and let the breeze caress her skin
And feel safe in the pleasure of being in this body
This body that was made for pleasure.
She hides her audacity, lust, and brilliance.
She mutes her sexy, bold, ambition.
She shrinks her delightful, extravagant, tender
Irrational, soft, too-muchness.
Because it isn’t okay.
It doesn’t feel safe.
It isn’t the respectful, reasonable,
Responsible thing to do.
Because she’s been shamed
Into hiding, pretending, denying.
The result has been unnatural
Self-negation and suffering.
And too often she wanders, wants,
And numbs as the only
Reasonable alternative to endless
Because the world is rife with those
Who seek only to take,
Hungry ghosts who cannot be filled,
Who care not for her well-being
And seek only to please themselves
No matter the wounds and betrayal,
No matter the cost.
Still, the light and life within her
Cannot be denied.
It heats and colors and electrifies
Breaking the rules, transcending the reasons,
Smashing the outdated expectations.
She cannot be diminished or destroyed
Because she is life itself.
Powerful. Beautiful. Unabashed.
Vivacious. Self-determining.
Creative. And deeply feeling.
She is learning to question
The fear she’s been raised with,
The fear of her yes,
The fear of her craving.
Ever suspect, ever vilified,
Ever manipulated and made wrong
By the outside.
As she awakens
And begins to live from within
And allows herself to be informed,
Ignited, and brought to life
By all senses firing,
She begins to own herself.
Be responsible to herself
In the deepest sense.
From that place of truth
There is no going back to
Conditioned self-erasure.
She steals her gaze away
From the pain and negativity
That were never hers.
She focuses instead on her own
Fulfillment and delight.
On living her life, her joy, her way.
Powerlessness becomes less
Of an option.
As are compliance,
Acquiescence, depression
And denial.
Settling for the expected,
Mediocre, convenient,
Or conventional can never
Truly satisfy her as she
Learns to approve of herself.
Affirm herself. Celebrate herself.
In a world that has gone insane and
Is starving for truth,
Only her aliveness makes sense.
Only her feeling can be trusted.
Only her sensual dance with herself
And the wisdom that dwells within
Can ever guide her to where she is meant
To be. To all she really is.
Will you let her come out and play?
Your courage and fire are essential.
Your defiance is required.
Your self-determination and
Self-preservation are necessary.
Your profoundly creative self is desperately needed
In this world that tries its best to exclude, subjugate,
Belittle and shame a woman who chooses to really live.
And still, amidst it all,
This inner fire and burning desire
Can give you the energy required
To fulfill authentic change in your life,
And in this world.
She can liberate you from the pain
You’ve known, and show you a
New way forward.
She who lights up the dark.
She who lives within.
She who burns with an inner fire.
She who stands defiant, victorious,
Awake, aware, aroused.
And deeply ALIVE.
Originally published on https://aliciamorrow.com/